Microsoft Unveils Artificial Intelligence Course for Government

Microsoft unveiled a curriculum in its Artificial Intelligence Business School this week that is specifically tailored for government decision-makers.
“The fact is that government workers across the board—and especially decision-makers—don’t necessarily have that familiarity or depth on AI,” Anthony Salcito, Microsoft’s vice president for government, said in a statement. “This new learning path is a way to get them introduced to the concept and to understand why it’s important in the context of government work.”
The tech giant launched its AI Business School in March to help executives and other business leaders better understand how to implement the technology through a free online master class. Now that more than 140,000 people have gained practical guidance from the AI course material to date, the company is offering a new path that is designed especially for government agencies. Through various course modules, government insiders can learn about the components that comprise a strong AI strategy, principles to guide responsible AI adoption, lessons on fostering an “AI-ready” culture and other insights around using the tech to better serve their constituents.