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Researchers add 'time-travel' feature to drives to fight ransomware attacks

posted onMay 30, 2019
by l33tdawg
Credit: TechXplore

One of the latest cyber threats involves hackers encrypting user files and then charging "ransom" to get them back. In the paper, "Project Almanac: A Time-Traveling Solid State Drive," University of Illinois students Chance Coats and Xiaohao Wang and Assistant Professor Jian Huang from the Coordinated Science Laboratory look at how they can use the commodity storage devices already in a computer, to save the files without having to pay the ransom.

"The paper explains how we leverage properties of flash-based storage that currently exist in most laptops, desktops, mobiles, and even IoT devices" said Coats, a graduate student in electrical and computer engineering (ECE). "The motivation was a class of malware called ransomware, where hackers will take your files, encrypt them, delete the unencrypted files and then demand money to give the files back."

The flash-based, solid-state drives Coats mentioned are part of the storage system in most computers. When a file is modified on the computer, rather than getting rid of the old file version immediately, the solid-state drive saves the updated version to a new location. Those old versions are the key to thwarting ransomware attacks. If there is an attack, the tool discussed in the paper can be used to revert to a previous version of the file. The tool would also help in the case of a user accidentally deleting one of their own files.



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