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Celebrity photo leak worsens as underage photos found

posted onSeptember 3, 2014
by l33tdawg

The hacking of celebrity accounts and the theft of explicit photos of a number of female stars has become even more serious, with word that at least one of the women was underage when the leaked pictures were taken. Several sites hosting the photos - which have already prompted an official statement from Apple early today, about the role iCloud played in their theft - have been notified that, in some shots, Olympic gymnast McKayla Maroney was under the age of 18.

Maroney, who turned 18 in December last year, is one of a number of notable women whose online accounts were targeted in the exploit. Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton, Mary E. Winstead, and Rihanna are among others involved, with varying degrees of confirmation or denial from each.

According to TMZ, one well known site for explicit content received a letter from Maroney's legal team, demanding the removal of the images and pointing out that they showed the gymnast when she was underage.



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