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Bigger, better #HackWEEKDAY at this year's HITBSecConf

posted onSeptember 24, 2013
by l33tdawg

IF you know about the annual HITB Security Conference or HITBSecConf, then you probably know that at the end of every successful conference, the Hack In The Box (HITB) team will already be thinking about how to elevate the next event with better talks, bigger shows and stronger battles.
It’s the same with HITB’s HackWEEKDAY hackathon – what started two years ago with a couple of lads coding applications whilst lounging on bean-bags has now grown into a widely anticipated hackathon with local and regional developers competing for bragging rights and prizes. HITB HackWEEKDAY was started back in 2011 to give back to the development community by highlighting and encouraging innovative software ideas and development skills. Since then, four hackathons have been held at both the Kuala Lumpur and Amsterdam editions of HITBSecConf.
Previous years’ HackWEEKDAY highlight projects have included an Android RFID (radio frequency identification) reader for Malaysia’s Touch N’ Go system by Multimedia University students; an open source DICOM (the Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine standard) image viewer; a DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) management tool and also TABLE, a unique social collaboration platform made by students for students.



HITB2013KUL HITB HackWEEKDAY Hackathon Hackers Security Industry News Software-Programming

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