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Malware can now detect virtual machines, and then go dark like a Cold War spy

posted onSeptember 29, 2016
by l33tdawg

One of the more effective ways to counter a malware infection is to make sure that it infects something that can’t have much of an influence on the rest of the system, like a sandboxed virtual machine. However as malware continues to evolve, its creators are now discovering ways to detect whether it is simply wasting its time infecting virtual machines, so it can go after more legitimate targets.

‘HummingBad’ Malware Has Reportedly Infected Over 10M Android Phones

posted onJuly 6, 2016
by l33tdawg

It has always been basic and common advice that smartphone users should not download apps outside of their official app stores. This is because these apps aren’t protected by the same security measures put into place by the likes of Apple or Google, meaning that some of these apps could really be hidden malware.

More than a quarter of UK PCs could be affected by malware

posted onJune 2, 2015
by l33tdawg

The number of malware being identified seems to be growing unabated as security outfit Pandalabs claims to have identified more than 20 million new malware samples for the first quarter of 2015.

The majority of these are variants of existing malware rather than new malware, designed to evade detection by software security companies, mimicking what happens with biological viruses.

Security Researchers Find Unexpected Weakness in Equation Malware

posted onMarch 13, 2015
by l33tdawg

Experts from Kaspersky Lab say their analysis of the Equation Group's malware confirms its state-sponsored origins, but with an unexpected weakness.

An analysis of the Equation Group malware that Kaspersky Lab revealed earlier this year may be the most advanced malware the company has ever seen, according to one of the lab's top security technology experts.

WhatsApp Voice Calling Invites Harbor Malware

posted onMarch 10, 2015
by l33tdawg

Messages purporting to be WhatsApp invitations to try out a new voice calling feature are actually nothing more than malware conduits.

WhatsApp, one of the biggest third-party instant messaging app in the world, had 700 million active users sending 30 billion messages per day, as of January 2015, making it a popular target for scammers and hackers. To boot, it has started to roll out the hotly anticipated Free Voice Calling feature—which will add a VoIP capability to make calls, a la Skype and Viber. It’s available for Android, but it’s only invite-only for now.

France fingered as source of Syria-spying Babar malware

posted onMarch 6, 2015
by l33tdawg

France's spy agency has been fingered as the likely author of complex reconnaissance malware, researchers say.

The Casper malware is one of a handful with links to the Babar spy program which leaked NSA documents revealed last month to be the handiwork of France's Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure (General Directorate for External Security or DGSE).

Mass Customized Attacks Show Malware Maturity

posted onMay 20, 2013
by l33tdawg

L33tdawg: Video of their talk from #HITB2013AMS is available on YouTube.

Products frequently follow a trajectory from customized prototypes to mass-produced goods, and -- when the market matures -- manufacturers typically find ways to lure consumers by allowing efficient customization.

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