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Kaspersky: Duqu Trojan uses 'unknown programming language'

posted onMarch 9, 2012
by l33tdawg

The Duqu Trojan, referred to by some as Stuxnet 2.0, was partly written using an unknown programming language. The payload DLL, which communicates exclusively with the Command and Control (C&C) server so that the worm knows what to do once it has infected a system, has code that doesn’t resemble anything seen before. While secuirty researchers have worked out what the mystery code does, they aren’t sure about the syntax.

Kaspersky slams Facebook for exposing Koobface hackers

posted onFebruary 10, 2012
by l33tdawg

An internet security firm has criticised Facebook for releasing details of the alleged members of a gang behind the Koobface worm, a piece of malicious software that attacked hundreds of thousands of computers through the social network's profiles.

In an unusual step in January, Facebook named six Russian men it said had been running the two million dollar scam against its members for the past three years.