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HP Labs Director Resigns

posted onApril 6, 2012
by l33tdawg

Hewlett-Packard Senior Vice President Prith Banerjee, who for five years headed the corporation's vast research and development organization, HP Labs, will be leaving the company effective April 15, according to an internal document distributed by CEO Meg Whitman. HP hasn't made an announcement of Banerjee's departure.

Banerjee is leaving for a position that will be based outside the U.S. with another organization, but that organization’s identity couldn’t immediately be learned.

HP warning of remotely exploitable Laser Printer bug

posted onApril 2, 2012
by l33tdawg

Hewlett-Packard on Friday issued an urgent support notification to registered HP LaserJet printer owners warning of a vulnerability that could allow hackers unauthorized access to 50 product lines.

HP said in an email that no reports have been made of the affected printers being accessed through the vulnerability, but pointed owners of LaserJet-branded printers to a list of affected products and instructions for fixing the bug on its tech support site.

HP Australia to build new security consulting team

posted onFebruary 20, 2012
by l33tdawg

HP Australia has revealed plans to build up a new security consulting team within its Enterprise Services division as part of a regrouping of security resources in that part of its business.

The company has placed advertisements for a 'client security officer lead' to head the team. Among desired credentials are government expertise and Australian security clearance.

Bug allows HP printers to be remotely hacked, set on fire

posted onDecember 1, 2011
by l33tdawg

Researchers at Columbia University in New York have discovered a vulnerability in Hewlett-Packard LaserJet printers that could allow attackers to steal sensitive documents, gain control of corporate networks, or even set the affected device on fire.

This can be accomplished because some HP LaserJet printers do not validate the origin of remote firmware updates before applying them, Salvatore Stolfo, a professor of computer science at Columbia who directed the research, told on Tuesday. That means anyone can reprogram the devices with malicious firmware.

HP LaserJet printers 'contain security weakness'

posted onNovember 30, 2011
by l33tdawg

Millions of HP LaserJet printers contain a security weakness that could allow attackers to take control of the systems, steal data from them and issue commands that could cause the devices to overheat and catch fire.

Printers from other vendors likely have the same issue, leaving users of those devices exposed to similar threats, two reserachers from Columbia University said.

HP splits webOS off from the hardware division it wants to sell

posted onSeptember 7, 2011
by l33tdawg

HP will shuffle webOS into a new division to avoid losing it along with the company's hardware business, according to internal memos that surfaced over the weekend on PreCentral. The hardware division will remain under the company's Personal Systems Group, while the software side, which includes webOS, will split off and move to HP's Office of Strategy and Technology.