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Calling all hackers, makers, builders and breakers! Show off your tech!

posted onJanuary 19, 2015
by l33tdawg

The exhibition floor plan for this year's HITB Haxpo in Amsterdam is now online. Once again, exhibition space for the hacker and maker community is being given out COMPLETELY FREE!

Interested in showing off the projects your hackerspace has been working on? Got a new 3D printing or laser cutting breakthrough you think the world should see? Email us and let us know! Spaces are of course limited and will be allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Orbotix to give hackers and researchers robotics crash course at HITB #Haxpo

posted onMay 7, 2014
by l33tdawg

L33tdawg: Don't forget to sign up for a chance to win your own Sphero when you visit HITB Haxpo!

Orbotix will be at HITB Haxpo at the end of May to give engineers, researchers and hackers a crash course on how they can help inspire the next generation of kids using robotics. In addition there'll be daily giveaways on social media and also prizes for HackWEEKDAY developers! 

Come to HITB #Haxpo and Get Taught How to Solder by Mitch Altman

posted onMay 6, 2014
by l33tdawg

In Amsterdam at the end of May? Here's a rare chance to meet with the world famous Mitch Altman of TV-B-Gone fame and learn how to solder from the man himself!

Mitch is a hacker and inventor, most well known for inventing TV-B-Gone, he’s been a speaker at numerous hacker conferences, is an international expert on the hackerspace movement and teaches introductory electronics workshops.

Mozilla's #HackWeekDay 2014 at #HITB #Haxpo

posted onMay 5, 2014
by l33tdawg

The Mozilla security team is proud to be once again sponsoring the Hack-in-the-Box HackWeekDay competition, this time at the Haxpo conference in Amsterdam, 28-30 May 2014. Come learn about Firefox OS, make apps to compete for great prizes and help shape the future of the mobile web.

This HackWeekDay event is the biggest yet, and will actually be run over the course of three separate days. There will daily prizes, and you can compete in as many days as you want:

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