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EA Origin Exploit Lets Hackers Control Your PC

posted onMarch 19, 2013
by l33tdawg

ReVuln, the company who revealed a potential exploit within the Steam client last October, have done it again. This time they demonstrated in front of an audience at a Black Hat security conference in Amsterdam that hackers could easily hijack computers with EA’s Origin client installed. There are caveats, however.

Hackers open up offline play, modding tools for SimCity

posted onMarch 14, 2013
by l33tdawg

EA and Maxis' claim that it would take "significant engineering work" to make a workable offline version of SimCity took another hit today. Hackers have released modding tools that disable the game's periodic server checks without breaking the simulation. The tools also unlock other features not in the final game.

Exploit lets your farm Dead Space 3 items to avoid micro-transactions

posted onFebruary 6, 2013
by l33tdawg

EA must have been rubbing its hands together yesterday when Dead Space 3 launched after a couple of million demo downloads. Not only is the game selling for $60 across three platforms, there’s also the prospect of gamers spending a further $50 on DLC and yet more on micro-transactions during play.

However, EA’s coffers may not be getting filled as quickly as the publisher had hoped due to a bug in the game. It seems there’s an exploit that can be used with item collection that renders the need to purchase items using micro-transactions unnecessary.

Hackers Force Top-Ranked Black Ops 2 Player To Reset Stats

posted onJanuary 9, 2013
by l33tdawg

The immaturity reeks.

Looking at leaderboards can be disenchanting. Many occasions, there are hackers or glitchers at the top of the heap just to prove they can do it. But then there are legitimate players like Xbox Live's Retrominano whose prowess at Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 placed him as top dog, the #1 rank for "Career - All Time." Apparently, to butthurt pricks, that's a crime.

Ubisoft investigating compromised Uplay accounts

posted onJanuary 8, 2013
by l33tdawg

A wave of account hacks hit Ubisoft's Uplay service this week, resulting in a 15-page forum thread of around 100 gamers reporting their inability to play games like Far Cry 3 and Assassin's Creed 3, some of whom claim to have used secure, randomly generated passwords. Most say they received email notifications that the email address attached to their accounts were changed to a one using a Russian domain, indicating a single hacker or group behind the scheme.

The War Z's servers brought down by hackers

posted onJanuary 7, 2013
by l33tdawg

The continuing saga of The War Z’s misfortune – er – continues, although this time the game’s not making headlines for the actions of its creators. Over the past few days The War Z’s servers have been subjected to a variety of attacks, as hackers target the game for whatever reason it is that hackers attack anything. They’re bored, I guess.

Zero day holes found in popular online games

posted onDecember 24, 2012
by l33tdawg

 Zero day vulnerabilities have been discovered in popular online games that give attackers access to credit card and user data, researchers claim.

The remote code execution holes were discovered by Italian researchers Luigi Auriemma and Donato Ferrante who operate subscription vulnerability service Revuln.