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Is Cloud Security An Exaggerated Concern?

posted onApril 14, 2016
by l33tdawg

The results are in: We have made zero progress since 2010. This was the year that IDC published results of a survey regarding cloud computing, and it found that security was the biggest barrier toward adoption. This statistic has found its way onto pretty much every presentation about cloud computing since 2010.

Dell Aims to Make It Easier to Deploy, Manage Hybrid Clouds

posted onSeptember 2, 2015
by l33tdawg

At VMworld 2015, the tech giant announces enhancements to its management software, converged infrastructure portfolio and Wyse thin client OS.

Dell is introducing a range of new and upgraded products aimed at VMware environments and that are part of the tech vendor's push to help organizations embrace hybrid clouds.

Cloud analytics is expected to keep growing and growing

posted onFebruary 9, 2015
by l33tdawg

It's no secret that cloud computing and data analytics are both rapidly growing areas of IT. Put them together, and you get a winning combination that's expected to grow by more than 26 percent annually over the next five years.

That's according to market-tracking firm Research and Markets, which on Friday released a new report on the global cloud analytics market.

Amazon Says One Million Customers Actively Use Its Cloud Services

posted onJanuary 30, 2015
by l33tdawg

Amazon says its pioneering cloud computing services are actively used by over one million customers.

The tech giant revealed the number day, during its fourth quarter earnings announcement. Each of those one million customers have used its cloud services during a recent one month period, the company said, and usage grew close to 90 percent in the fourth quarter compared to the same quarter the year before.

Big Data Digest: How many Hadoops do we really need?

posted onJanuary 19, 2015
by l33tdawg

Say hello to Flink, the newest distributed data analysis engine on the scene.

This week, the Apache Software Foundation announced Apache Flink as its newest Top-Level Project (TLP). Apache also provides a home for Hadoop, Cassandra, Lucene and many widely used open source data processing tools, so Flink's entry into the group speaks well for its technical chops.

Lock your cloud backups away with an encryption key

posted onJanuary 5, 2015
by l33tdawg

It’s generally easier to keep safe the files we have under our control, on our internal and external drives, than those that waft far away from us on cloud-storage backup systems. Different backup services handle how they send data for storage and how they encrypt it once it arrives.

Australia mandates cloud use by government agencies

posted onOctober 9, 2014
by l33tdawg

Australia's Department of Finance has updated its Cloud Policy to say “... agencies now must adopt cloud”.

Those italics are the Department's, and it also has some qualifications for the edict, namely that cloud should only be adopted “where it is fit for purpose, provides adequate protection of data and delivers value for money.”

Cloud security: We're asking the wrong questions

posted onSeptember 11, 2014
by l33tdawg

In the wake of the celebrity photo breach, the media is humming with stories disparaging the safety of the cloud. Many longtime cloud critics are crowing, "I told you so!" and waiting for the world to go back to on-premises solutions only.

News flash: 1) the cloud was never touted as being perfectly secure and 2) the cloud will continue to grow and grow. The number of servers in your physical environment will shrink over time. Security doesn't sell solutions -- features and pricing do. Features are cheaper in the cloud.

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