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Bitcoin’s price rises to $50,000 as mainstream institutions hop on

posted onFebruary 16, 2021
by l33tdawg
Credit: Arstechnica

The price of one bitcoin briefly rose above $50,000 on Tuesday morning to set a new record. By noon Eastern Time, the price had fallen to around $48,500.

Bitcoin's price is now far above the previous peak of $19,500 reached in December 2017. Bitcoin's value has risen by almost 70 percent since the start of 2021.

Ethereum Smart Contract Specification Impact Analysis

posted onSeptember 19, 2018
by l33tdawg
Credit: Ethereum

The 'Unemitted Transfer Event Issue', 'Unemitted Approval Event Issue', 'Fake Recharge Vulnerability' and 'Writing Errors of Constructed Function' are uniformly classified as 'Ethereum's smart contract specification problems' in 'Knownsec Ethereum Contract Audit Checklist' which sorted out by the Knownsec 404 Blockchain Security Research Team.


Here’s why the FBI didn’t let an alleged hacker use cryptocurrency to pay his bail

posted onAugust 20, 2018
by l33tdawg
Credit: Market Watch

After being arrested by federal agents for allegedly hacking videogame giant Electronic Arts Inc.’s systems, Martin Marsich tried to post a $750,000 bond with cryptocurrency.

That’s when Marsich, federal authorities and the court ran into problems that show how difficult it can be to use digital currency in the real world, even as it becomes more prevalent online. In this case making its way through federal court in San Francisco, there were concerns that selling a large stash of small and lightly traded coins could have caused severe fluctuations in their prices.

Bitcoin prices were manipulated: study

posted onJune 15, 2018
by l33tdawg

Bitcoin’s massive price run-up late last year may have been the result of a price manipulation campaign, according to a new study released on Wednesday.

The paper by John Griffin, a finance professor at the University of Texas who has researched fraud in other markets, and graduate student Amin Shams, found that the virtual coin Tether was likely used to prop up Bitcoin prices late last year.

A 200-Year-Old Idea Offers a New Way to Trace Stolen Bitcoins

posted onApril 6, 2018
by l33tdawg

Bitcoin's blockchain provides inalterable evidence, stored on thousands of computers, of every Bitcoin transaction that's ever taken place. Many of the transactions recorded on that distributed ledger are crimes: Billions of dollars in stolen funds, contraband deals, and paid ransoms sitting in plain sight, yet obscured by unidentifiable Bitcoin addresses and, in many cases, tangles of money laundering.

Bitcoin has a huge scaling problem—Lightning could be the solution

posted onFebruary 5, 2018
by l33tdawg

Three startups are getting ready to launch one of the most ambitious and important cryptocurrency experiments since the creation of bitcoin itself. Called Lightning, the project aims to build a fast, scalable, and cryptographically secure payment network layered on top of the existing bitcoin network.

This week’s Bitcoin Atom fork: A quick primer

posted onJanuary 22, 2018
by l33tdawg

Bitcoin Atom, an ambitious Bitcoin fork due to come into existence within the next few days, plans to solve a substantial problem in the cryptocurrency world. The project will use atomic swaps to allow users to exchange tokens at absolutely minimal costs without any intermediaries or centralized exchanges. The project also plans to integrate Lightning Swaps (LS) to power extremely fast and cheap transactions.

67 Insane Facts About Bitcoin

posted onJanuary 11, 2018
by l33tdawg

Bitcoin is a virtual currency that uses Blockchain technology for secure payments and storing money electronically, without requiring a bank or a person’s name. Satoshi Nakamoto created this cryptocurrency back in 2009. The biggest advantage of Bitcoin is that it’s not under control of central authority, government or private company, so people are free from paying transaction fees. It can be used for booking a hotel or flight, or purchasing products online, as many online stores and companies accept Bitcoin now.

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