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Iranian hackers claim to have breached Israeli nuclear facility

posted onMarch 21, 2024
by l33tdawg
The Record
Credit: The Record

 An Iran-linked hacking group claims to have breached the computer network of a sensitive Israeli nuclear installation in an incident declared by the ‘Anonymous’ hackers as a protest against the war in Gaza.

The hackers claim to have stolen and published thousands of documents — including PDFs, emails, and PowerPoint slides — from the Shimon Peres Negev Nuclear Research Center. The secretive facility, which houses a nuclear reactor linked to Israel’s unavowed nuclear weapons program, has historically been targeted by Hamas rockets.

In a social media message explaining their intentions, the group claimed “as we are not as like as the bloodthirsty Netanyahu and his terrorist army we carried out the operation in such a way that no civilians were harmed.” Despite this statement, in another a social media message the group said it did “not intend to have a nuclear explosion but this operation is dangerous, and anyhting might happen,” alongside an animated video depicting a nuclear detonation and a call for the evacuations of the nearby city of Dimona and the town of Yeruham. 




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