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GTA 5 Source Code Leak Raises Security Concerns

posted onDecember 28, 2023
by l33tdawg
Credit: Wikipedia

The supposed source code for Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA 5) was divulged on Christmas Eve, over a year after Rockstar Games suffered a cyberattack by the Lapsus$ group. This code was dispersed on various platforms, including Discord, the dark web, and a Telegram channel the hackers have used for past leaks. The release of the code has raised concerns about potential security issues and the possibility of modders exploiting the game further, much to the dismay of Rockstar Games. In response to the leak, the company is likely to implement security enhancements and updates to protect the integrity of Grand Theft Auto 6 as well as other titles in their portfolio.

The security breach happened in 2022 when the Lapsus$ team accessed Rockstar’s internal Slack server and Confluence wiki, asserting they had obtained source codes and assets for both GTA 5 and GTA 6. The Lapsus$ group later shared screenshots on their social media platforms as evidence, causing great concern amongst Rockstar and its user base. In response to the breach, Rockstar swiftly took action to strengthen its security measures, while also initiating an investigation to assess the extent of the information leak and any potential impact on future releases.



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