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Hacker steals Bitcoins from Russia, destroys them or donates them to Ukraine

posted onMay 2, 2023
by l33tdawg
Credit: Wikipedia

A mysterious bitcoiner appears to have weaponized the Bitcoin blockchain against the Russian state by exposing hundreds of wallets allegedly held by security agencies, according to crypto tracing firm Chainalysis.

The unknown individual used a feature in how the Bitcoin blockchain documents transactions to identify 986 wallets controlled by the Foreign Military Intelligence Agency (GRU), Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), and Federal Security Service (FSB), Chainalysis, which works closely with the U.S. government, said in a post shared with CoinDesk. Written in Russian, the vigilante’s messages accuse the wallets of being involved in hacking activity.

It’s not clear whether the individual’s allegations are true; the three agencies did not respond to CoinDesk's request for comment. What’s more clear is the individual took control of at least some of the addresses they allege to be held by Russia, perhaps through hacking, or even (if the allegations are to be believed) an inside job.



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