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Should You Wait for Wi-Fi 7 Before Upgrading Your Router?

posted onMarch 17, 2023
by l33tdawg
Credit: Wired

Wait for new technology, or buy now? No matter how good a gadget is, there will almost certainly be something better arriving soon. Manufacturers work out the kinks and prices fall. Figuring out which new technologies are worth the early adopter tax, and which to pass on until they improve, is a real challenge.

Even shopping for something as utilitarian as a Wi-Fi router is a minefield. Wi-Fi 6 is an easy minimum recommendation for most folks right now. But perhaps you are eyeing the enhanced speed and performance of the newly opened 6-GHz band. You may be considering a Wi-Fi 6E system, but with Wi-Fi 7 on the horizon, should you wait?

If you need a better understanding of the differences, we have guides on Wi-Fi 6, Wi-Fi 6E, and Wi-Fi 7 that dig into the details. But for our purposes here, we are looking at the opening up of the 6-GHz band. Until Wi-Fi 6E came along, we relied upon the 2.4-GHz and 5-GHz bands for all our Wi-Fi needs. Wi-Fi 6E opened up the 6-GHz spectrum for the first time, but there are restrictions in place that limit its performance. 



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