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iFixit’s Mac Studio teardown reveals monster cooling system

posted onMarch 27, 2022
by l33tdawg
Credit: Arstechnica

iFixit's teardown of the Mac Studio found a monstrous thermal management system attached to a relatively small computer, among other things.

The teardown video depicted a somewhat complicated but not insurmountable process for getting inside that little metal rectangle. Once inside the device, there weren't many surprises. The video identified some ports, showed the removal of the logic board, and perhaps most notably, uncovered a dual-fan cooling system inside the machine.

Further, iFixit talked about the much-discussed SSD swapping situation. It is possible to swap out of the storage provided you're using storage of the same size and type, at least—but that requires using a device firmware update (DFU) restore. But replacing one part with its exact copy isn't the same as an upgrade, which may still remain elusive as expected.



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