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CISA, FBI Warn of Russian Threat to Satellite Networks

posted onMarch 20, 2022
by l33tdawg
Credit: NextGov

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and the FBI acknowledged providers and customers of U.S. satellite networks may be in Russia’s crosshairs as the conflict over Ukraine’s sovereignty continues.

In an alert Thursday, the agencies said they “are aware of possible threats to U.S. and international satellite communication networks. Successful intrusions into SATCOM networks could create risk in SATCOM network providers’ customer environments,” adding, “given the current geopolitical situation, CISA’s Shields Up initiative requests that all organizations significantly lower their threshold for reporting and sharing indications of malicious cyber activity.”

The alert comes as the National Security Agency is reportedly investigating Russia’s responsibility for a hack of U.S. satellite provider Viasat that affected networks in Ukraine, and as U.S. policy on how to respond to such a scenario remains unclear. The alert said providers of satellite networks should be on high alert for anomalous traffic and directed those stakeholders to the latest Worldwide threat briefing, released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence in February, for more information on nation-state actors associated with the threat. The intelligence community’s report suggests Russia might be well positioned to attack U.S. satellites.



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