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Red Cross implores hackers not to leak data for 515k “highly vulnerable people”

posted onJanuary 20, 2022
by l33tdawg
Credit: Arstechnica

The Red Cross on Wednesday pleaded with the threat actors behind a cyberattack that stole the personal data of about 515,000 people who used a program that works to reunite family members separated by conflict, disaster, or migration.

"While we don't know who is responsible for this attack, or why they carried it out, we do have this appeal to make to them," Robert Mardini, the director-general of the International Committee for the Red Cross, said in a release. “Your actions could potentially cause yet more harm and pain to those who have already endured untold suffering. The real people, the real families behind the information you now have are among the world's least powerful. Please do the right thing. Do not share, sell, leak or otherwise use this data."

Wednesday’s release said the personal data was obtained through the hack of a Switzerland-based subcontractor that stores data for the Red Cross. The data was compiled by at least 60 different Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies worldwide. The ICRC said it has no "immediate indications as to who carried out this cyber-attack" and is so far unaware of any of the compromised information being leaked or shared publicly.



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