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Google Chrome will fix your hacked passwords with one tap

posted onMay 30, 2021
by l33tdawg
Credit: Flickr

Google Chrome is getting a new ability to fix your hacked password fast. It's standard for web browsers to warn you when your password is found on a list of hacked passwords, but now Google's browser also will be able to fix it with a  tap of a button.

When Google spots a vulnerable password, Google Assistant will offer a "change password" button, Google announced at its Google I/O developers conference on Tuesday. It will arrive in Chrome on Android in the United States but will spread to other browsers and regions later. It only works on Twitter and a "small number" of other sites initially, and you need to enable Chrome password sync.

The password change feature relies on Google's Duplex technology, an AI-powered service that fills out forms and takes other automated actions on the web.




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