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New Zealand baffled by new COVID-19 cases, eyes frozen-food packaging

posted onAugust 13, 2020
by l33tdawg
Credit: Arstechnica

New Zealand officials are scrambling to halt a growing cluster of COVID-19 cases that has baffled health investigators trying to understand how the pandemic coronavirus regained a foothold on the island nation.

Officials on Tuesday announced four cases in one family in Auckland, the largest city in New Zealand. Before that, the country had gone 102 days without any local transmission. Throughout the pandemic, New Zealand has been among the most successful countries in the world at responding to and holding back the pandemic coronavirus, relying on swift and thorough testing and tracing as well as rigorous social distancing and lockdown orders.

But the new cluster has stumped investigators, who are now exploring all the possible ways the coronavirus may have slipped back in—including that it arrived on the packaging of frozen-food shipments and infected a worker unpacking them. Meanwhile, the cluster has grown to at least 17 as of Thursday. Auckland has been wrenched back into lockdown measures, and officials have raised the alert level for the rest of country, reinstating some restrictions.



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