There’s a reason your inbox has more malicious spam—Emotet is back

Emotet, the world’s most costly and destructive botnet, returned from a five-month hiatus on Friday with a blast of malicious spam aimed at spreading a backdoor that installs ransomware, bank-fraud trojans, and other nasty malware.
The botnet sent a hefty 250,000 messages during the day, mostly to people in the United States and the United Kingdom, Sherrod DeGrippo, senior director of threat research and detection at security firm Proofpoint, told Ars. Other researchers said targets were also located in the Middle East, South America, and Africa. The botnet followed its characteristic pattern of sending either a malicious document or link to a malicious file that, when activated, installs the Emotet backdoor. The botnet gave its first indications of a return on Tuesday, with small message volumes being sent out. Email samples that appeared on Twitter accounts from threat monitors and Spamhaus looked like this: