Want to stay under the radar for a decade or more? This Chinese hacking crew did it... by aiming for Linux servers

A group of hackers operating as an offshoot of China's Winnti group managed to stay undetected for more than a decade by going open source.
A report from BlackBerry outlines how the group, actually a collection of five smaller crews of hackers thought to be state-sponsored, assembled in the wake of Winnti and exploited Linux servers, plus the occasional Windows Server box and mobile device, for years.
"The APT groups examined in this report have traditionally pursued different objectives and focused on a wide array of targets," BlackBerry noted. "However, it was observed that there is a significant degree of coordination between these groups, particularly where targeting of Linux platforms is concerned, and it is assessed that any organization with a large Linux distribution should not assume they are outside of the target sets for any of these groups."