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World’s top 25 CTF teams to battle for $100,000 at HITB PRO CTF

posted onSeptember 24, 2019
by l33tdawg
Help Net Security
Credit: Help Net Security

In less than a month, Hack In The Box is launching its biggest global event: HITB+CyberWeek 2019. It is a week-long gathering (October 12-17, 2019, at Emirates Palace, Abu Dhabi) that will bring together the world’s top cyber security experts to share and discuss their latest knowledge, ideas and techniques with security professionals and students.

Aside from offering the usual trainings and talks, HITB has been developing specific content and challenges for the wider student population (school and university students). For example, the Cyber Battle of the Emirates is a CTF-style contest specifically aimed at high school and university students.

But there are other contests, as well: an AI Challenge for machine learning and AI enthusiasts, a bug bounty contest that will see bug hunters attempt to exploit a variety of targets, and HITB PRO CTF.


HITB PRO CTF is a three-day long competition involving the world’s best Capture the Flag teams.

25 winning teams from various CTF contests from around the world – HITBAMS CTF, PHDays, DEFCON CTF, TokyoWesterns CTF, RUCTF, PlaidCTF, Arab Regional CTF, and many others – will be provided the identical servers with a set of vulnerable services.

Within the first hour of the game, the network will be closed and teams will be given an hour to focus on their server administration and vulnerability search. After this initial hour, the main game network will be opened. Teams will have 8 hours per day to find and exploit vulnerabilities and obtain opposing team flags, find 0days in the bonus category devices, all the while trying to keep opposing teams out of their own servers.

The winning team will receive a $50,000 prize, and those in second and third place $30,000 and $20,000, respectively.

HackerDom, a Russian information security team from the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of Ural State University, is the lead organizer of HITB PRO CTF and is developing the services for the contest. A team from the game porting company General Arcade is in charge of the CTF visualization.



Security hitbcyberweek UAE HITBSecConf CTF

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