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Virus-packed laptop sells as artwork for over RM5.5mil

posted onMay 30, 2019
by l33tdawg
The Star
Credit: The Star

For Chinese artist Guo O Dong, the simple black Samsung laptop computer, loaded with six potent viruses, symbolises one of the world's most frightening threats.

His creation "The Persistence Of Chaos" rocked the art world, selling for more than US$1.3mil (RM5.5mil) in a New York online auction. There's nothing special about the 2008 10-inch Netbook, running Microsoft's now-outdated Windows XP.

But loaded onto its memory chips are the computing world's equivalents of the most deadly infectious diseases: "ILoveYou" from 2000, "SoBig" of 2003, "MyDoom" (2004), "DarkTequila" (2013), "BlackEnergy" (2015), and the most notorious of all, the "WannaCry" ransomware from two years ago. It is a powerful symbol of the threat on simple laptop can pose to the entire world. The six trojans, worms and malware loaded on it have caused at least US$95bil (RM399bil) in damage around the world, according to Guo.



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