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New HiddenWasp malware found targeting Linux systems

posted onMay 30, 2019
by l33tdawg
Credit: ZDNet

Security researchers have found a new strain of Linux malware that appears to have been created by Chinese hackers and has been used as a means to remotely control infected systems.

Named HiddenWasp, this malware is composed of a user-mode rootkit, a trojan, and an initial deployment script.

The malware has a similar structure to another recently-discovered Linux malware strain -- the Linux version of Winnti, a famous hacking tool used by Chinese state hackers. In a technical report published today, Nacho Sanmillan, a security researcher at Intezer Labs, highlights several connections and similarities that HiddenWasp shares with other Linux malware families, suggesting that some of HiddenWasp code might have been borrowed.


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