It took hackers only three days to start exploiting latest Drupal bug

Three days --that's the time it took hackers to start launching attacks against Drupal sites using an exploit for a security flaw the CMS project patched last week.
The attacks, detected by web firewall firm Imperva, tried to take advantage of yet-to-be-patched Drupal sites and plant a JavaScript cryptocurrency miner called CoinIMP on vulnerable sites.
The coin-mining script, which works similarly to the more famous Coinhive, would have used the browsers of all site visitors to mine the Monero cryptocurrency for the hackers. The attacks began on Saturday, February 23, according to Imperva, three days after the Drupal project patched a vulnerability tracked as CVE-2019-6340, and two days after proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit code became widely available online on different sites [1, 2].