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With no evidence, Georgia’s top voting official accuses Dems of “cyberattack”

posted onNovember 6, 2018
by l33tdawg
Credit: Arstechnica

In the run-up to nationwide elections set for Tuesday, the Secretary of State of Georgia has made explosive and seemingly unsubstantiated allegations that the Democratic Party of Georgia is somehow implicated in a "failed cyberattack" of the state's online voter registration system.

However, neither Brian Kemp—who is also running as a Republican candidate for governor—nor anyone from his office has provided any evidence that there was indeed a cyberattack. There is also no evidence that the state's Democrats were involved. Kemp is running against Democrat Stacey Abrams in a tight race.

The allegation was first reported on Sunday by the website WhoWhatWhy, which described a vulnerability that would have allowed an automated script to grab numerous pieces of personal information, including mailing address, partial Social Security number, and more. In June 2018, Ars reported on a similar weakness in digital security in a California election.



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