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Review: iPad Pro (2018)

posted onNovember 6, 2018
by l33tdawg
Credit: Wired

Like a college graduate ready to head off into the workforce and start a career, Apple has graduated the iPad from tablet school. As he prepared to lift the curtain on the new 11-inch and 12.9-inch iPad Pro last week, CEO Tim Cook explained that Apple sees the iPad as a personal computer now. Apple says that new designation makes iPad the top-selling line of PCs in the world.

It’s a fair comparison. After using a new iPad Pro 12.9 for a few days, I can say that it's most definitely a refreshing, positive step forward for the iPad. It could also be called a "computer." Is it the right computer for you? That's another story.

The first thing you’ll notice about the new iPad Pro is what it’s missing. Like the iPhone XR and its peers, the Pro has no home button. Instead, its screen stretches from edge to edge... to edge to edge. All four sides are rimmed with thin and equally-sized black bezels, making it easier to forget where the top of the device really is. Sometimes iOS will actually point out where the power button is on the edge because, rightfully, it thinks I may have forgotten.



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