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Drone assassins are cheap, deadly and available in your local store

posted onSeptember 17, 2018
by l33tdawg
Credit: CNet

In the heart of Venezuela's capital, Caracas, Nicolás Maduro was delivering of a rousing speech. He stood high on a podium, speaking to a parade of military troops. The event was broadcast live on national TV. An hour in, the Venezuelan president flinched. His eyes widened. An unexpected object flew by.

It was a drone, carrying explosives along the city's historic Bolívar Avenue. Allegedly, this was an assassination attempt using a remote-controlled unmanned aerial vehicle -- the kind of drone you can buy from any electronics store -- fitted with explosives.

Jai Galliott, a nonresident fellow of the Modern War Institute calls the event in Caracas a "modern form of assassination."



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