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WPA3 is here but how will it make Wi-Fi more secure?

posted onJune 27, 2018
by l33tdawg
Credit: wireless

New Wi-Fi security standards don’t come along very often but industry body the Wi-Fi Alliance has just formally launched one, Wi-Fi Protected Access 3, or WPA3.

Compared to today’s WPA2, it’s a big step up in terms of security features although, like WPA2, WPA3 will also come in Personal and Enterprise versions.

We’ll skip WPA3-Enterprise (the central feature of which is an optional 192-bit key mode required to secure high-end networks such as governments and hospitals) and move straight into WPA-Personal, the bit of this upgrade every Wi-Fi user will start to encounter from late 2019 onwards. More or less as we described in January when news first broke that WPA3 was in the offing – it’s about fixing WPA2’s glaring weaknesses, the biggest of which is the security of Wi-Fi passwords.




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