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Fitbit Versa review: Slowly but surely pushing Fitbit past the “fit” bit

posted onMarch 27, 2018
by l33tdawg

Every company hopes to make a device that appeals to the masses. But when you're a company like Fitbit, known for its fitness expertise, it can be harder to clear the mental hurdle in consumers' heads that separates what you're known for and what you want to be. People who prioritize wearable features that aren't fitness-related may not even look to Fitbit when considering a new device, because fitness is so deeply ingrained into the company's identity.

Fitbit's core will always be health and fitness, but the company is actively trying to make devices that appeal to people who don't necessarily place their exercise and dieting regime on a pedestal. The new $200 Versa smartwatch speaks to those users as a wearable designed for "mass appeal." With its combination of Fitbit-developed fitness features and Pebble-influenced smartwatch capabilities, the Versa aims to bring more users into the Fitbit ecosystem with the promise that it can add value and convenience to all parts of your life.




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