Jaywalking in China? Surveillance system could SMS you a fine

Imagine this. You're walking about town. You decide to be an efficient pedestrian and cross the street without permission from some jerk traffic light. Your renegade act gets caught on AI-powered CCTV that recognizes your face. A message pops up on your phone containing a fine.
This scene sounds like grim futurism, but it could soon be a reality in the Chinese city of Shenzen, the South China Morning Post reports.
In Shenzen, a city with a population of over 12 million, a company called Intellifusion has worked with local police to set up AI-powered boards by intersections. If you jaywalk, your face will appear on the board -- alongside your family name. Now, Intellifusion is looking to work with mobile carriers and messaging platforms like WeChat, China's version of WhatsApp, to notify jaywalkers of their transgression on their phones.