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New contests, challenges and activities coming to #HITB2018AMS next month

posted onMarch 13, 2018
by l33tdawg

Next month's HITB Security Conference in Amsterdam, will feature an expanded free-for-public showcase area with lots of new contests, challenges and activities run by various communities and technology companies. Contest prizes up for grabs include everything from hacker gadgets to a fully paid trip to Hong Kong!

Conference delegates and visitors to the exhibition will have a chance to get hands-on experience in a variety of topics from soldering to hardware analysis, lock picking and more. If you're in Amsterdam next month, this is definitely where you want to be. Entrance to the exhibition area is free, though registration is required.

HITBSecConf2018 - Amsterdam On-Site Activities

Badge Village by Qihoo360

All registered conference attendees will get their own HITBSecConf2018 – Amsterdam badge exclusively designed by the Qihoo360 Unicorn Team!

Come by the badge village to unlock secret badge features, mini games and more! We’ll also show you how to get started reprogramming the badge and hacking it to do more stuff!

For non-paying conference visitors, badges can be purchased on-site for EUR35, but supply is EXTREMELY LIMITED, so please come early!

What’s On the Badge?

  • IR and 433Mhz Packet Decoding Game
  • Mini Games
  • Hidden Challenges

The badge is fully open sourced (both the hardware and software will be provided along with the firmware for the badge).

Hardware Specs:

  • MCU: STM32F103
  • Flash: W25Q32
  • 1.3 inch OLED
  • 433Mhz RF Receiver
  • IR Receiver
  • 6 Buttons (Up, Down, Left, Right, OK, ESC)
  • 6 x RGB LED

In addition, limited quantities of the UnicornCUBE / HackCUBE will also be available for purchase and for pre-order. Copies of the newly released Inside Radio: An Attack and Defense Guide will also be available for you to pick up.

Hardware Capture the Flag by Quarkslab

Organized by the team of ninja’s at Quarkslab, this CTF will involve hardware-oriented challenges. Be prepared to deal with various tasks involving RF protocols, RFID, automotive, soldering, micro-soldering, side-channels, etc.

To register (as an individual or as a team), please come by our challenge area. We provide all the require tools to solve the challenges, you will just need a laptop to solve some of them. Note that Linux is typically easier to work with than Windows when it comes to compiling tools, dealing with drivers etc.

The CTF is jeopardy style: you’ll get points when you solve challenges. The first three winners will be rewarded with some nice tools sponsored by WhiteMotion.

BeVX Reverse Engineering Challenge by Beyond Security

Join this reverse engineering and exploitation contest and stand a chance to win a trip to Hong Kong to attend the beVX conference in September! Participants will need to reverse engineer and write an exploit a vulnerability in an ARM binary. The first person to submit a complete solution will get a round trip flight and accommodation and entrance to beVX conference in September in HK, second place gets flight and entrance, and the third place gets an entrance ticket to the event.

The link to the download page and game instructions will be provided on-site during the 12th and 13th. The challenge binary will be internet accessible and downloadable on-site – you do not need to sit at our booth to solve it.

Chip-Off Village by VXRL

Come by the VXRL chip-off village and learn how to remove embedded eMMC chips for your own analysis. VXRL members will also teach you how to attack IoT/mobile devices to obtain privileges and gain access controls. In addition, some inexpensive JTAG/ISP and chip-off equipment will be made available for your testing and eMMC chips with circuit board kits will be made available for EUR10 for you to purchase if you wish.

Lock Picking Village by TOOOL Netherlands

Want to tinker with locks and tools the likes of which you’ve only seen in movies featuring police, spies, and secret agents? Then come on by the Lockpick Village, run by The Open Organisation Of Lockpickers, where you will have the opportunity to learn hands-on how the fundamental hardware of physical security operates and how it can be compromised.

The Lockpick Village is a physical security demonstration and participation area. Visitors can learn about the vulnerabilities of various locking devices, techniques used to exploit these vulnerabilities, and practice on locks of various levels of difficultly to try it themselves.

Experts will be on hand to demonstrate and plenty of trial locks, pick tools, and other devices will be available for you to handle. By exploring the faults and flaws in many popular lock designs, you can not only learn about the fun hobby of sportpicking, but also gain a much stronger knowledge about the best methods and practices for protecting your own property.

Soldering Village with Mitch Altman

Mitch is a hacker and inventor, most well known for inventing TV-B-Gone, he’s been a speaker at numerous hacker conferences, is an international expert on the hackerspace movement and teaches introductory electronics workshops. He has already taught over 50.000 people how to solder – from 3 year olds to grandmothers! Here’s your chance to learn how to solder one of Mitch’s electronic kits including the TV-B-Gone, Trippy RGB Waves, The Brain Machine but also all types of Arduinos and accessories!




HITB hitb2018ams HITBSecConf

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