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Backdooring Connected Cars with The Bicho

posted onMarch 7, 2018
by l33tdawg

L33tdawg: The Bicho will be on sale during #HITB2018AMS. Come by and pick yours up!

We’ve all known for a while now that the security of connected cars leaves a lot to be desired. The latest proof of that sad state of affairs comes from Argentinian security researchers and hackers Sheila Ayelen Berta and Claudio Caracciolo.

The pair is set to demonstrate a hardware backdoor for the CAN bus that can be controlled remotely at the upcoming Hack in the Box conference in Amsterdam.

Dubbed “The Bicho,” which is Spanish for small bug/insect, the (open source) hardware backdoor can easily remain hidden due to its small size. It is based on the PIC18F2580 microcontroller and can receive commands via SMS. That functionality is provided by the SIM800L GSM module, which is popular among hobbyists and in the Arduino community.



Hardware Security hitb2018ams HITB

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