More Speakers Announced for HITBSecConf2018 - Beijing (#HITB2018PEK)

The first HITB Security Conference in Beijing takes place 22nd - 26th October and features an invite only list of speakers for the 2-day triple track conference. We're bringing some of our favorite speakers from the past years and we're super excited to have them join us in this inaugural show. Take a look at the new speakers we've just announced!
- Hugo Teso - Head of Aviation Cyber Security Services, F-Secure Corporation
- Jun Li - Senior Security Researcher, UnicornTeam, Qihoo360
- Lin Huang - Wireless Security Researcher, Qihoo360 Unicorn Team
- Benjamin Kunz - Founder, Vulnerability Lab
- Zuk Avraham - Founder, CEO at ZecOps / Founder, Chairman @ZIMPERIUM
- The Grugq - Vice President of Threat Intelligence, Comae Technologies
- Fyodor Yarochkin - Threat Researcher at Trend Micro
- Sophia D’Antoine - Security Researcher, Trail of Bits
- Najwa Aaraj - Senior Vice President – Special Projects, DarkMatter LLC
- Nikias Bassen - VP of Platform Researcher, ZIMPERIUM
- Jaya Baloo - Chief Information Security Officer, KPN
- Stefano Zanero - Associate Professor, Politecnico di Milano
- Matteo Beccaro - Co-Founder/CTO, Opposing Force s.r.l.
Full speaker list: