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Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 is out - 5 reasons why you should try it

posted onAugust 29, 2008
by hitbsecnews

The biggest news this morning (that doesn't relate to a German trade show) is that Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 is out. It's still a developer's preview version, but it seems stable enough for consumers to test. I'll cut to the chase - you can get it here.

Internet Explorer is still used by a whopping 73% of internet users, and 47% of Tech Digest readers (42% Firefox, 7% Safari, 4% other, in case you were wondering). Why do so many people use it? Well, almost certainly because it comes as standard on Windows machines. Many people can't be bothered to change the default. At one point in 2003, IE had 95% market share.

A little history, then. IE6, released in 2001, was a big pile of awful. It was insecure and heavily criticised, which let Firefox (and Apple, too) take quite a big chunk of market share. IE7 was playing catchup, adding tabs and better security, but IE8 looks game-changing, and a strong challenger for Firefox 3.0. Click over the jump to find out why.L33tdawg: Vishal Kumar, Senior Lead Security Program Manager at Microsoft Corp will be down at HITBSecConf2008 - Malaysia to present an inner look at the security features in the new IE8.




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