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New PoC virus can infect both Windows and Linux

posted onJuly 4, 2006
by hitbsecnews

Kaspersky Lab today reported a new proof of concept (PoC) cross-platform virus that creates malicious code to infect both Linux and Microsoft Windows operating systems.

Kaspersky researchers gave the crossover virus a double name, Virus.Linux.Bi.a/Virus.Win32.Bi.a.

The virus is interesting, said analysts on Kaspesky's Viruslist website, because it is capable of infecting ELF, the file format used for Linux systems, and PE, Windows' file format. It only infects files in its current directory, according to the Kaspersky report.

"The virus doesn't have any classic application ? it's classic proof of concept code, written to show that it is possible to create a cross-platform virus," warned the Kaspersky report. "However, our experience shows that once proof of concept code is released, virus writers are usually quick to take the code and adapt it for their own use."



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