WikiLeaks Posts More Documents From Sony Pictures Hacking

WikiLeaks added a new set of records to its online database of documents stolen from Sony Pictures Entertainment and made public by hackers.
The new information includes “legal entanglements including an investigation for bribery,” WikiLeaks said in a Twitter post on Thursday. The organization, led by Julian Assange, is known for making unauthorized documents public. In April, it created a searchable, permanent library for Sony records that were stolen and originally posted by hackers in 2014.
The latest additions by WikiLeaks total more than 276,000 documents, it said. It adds to the more than 200,000 items already published. The documents include a list of legal settlements, including a $300,000 payment in March 2014 to a former Sony vice president at the studio’s 3D technology center, who said she was discriminated against because of her sex and her race. The list didn’t say whether Sony admitted liability.