Wi-Fi, WiMAX and LTE: the next generation of mobile broadband
Employees want anywhere, anytime access and IT departments now have more wireless choices than ever to give them just that. Which should you choose? We gathered representatives of each of the three major mobile broadband technologies into a live chat room and asked. Our shoot-out panel was led by Network World Wireless Alert Newsletter writer and analyst Joanie Wexler. The participants were Edgar Figueroa, executive director of the Wi-Fi Alliance; Dan Warren, director of technology of the GSM Association; and Dr. Mohammad Shakouri, vice president of marketing of the WiMAX Forum.
Participants were questioned about true per-user bandwidth (versus basic connect rates and theoretical rates achieved the lab). They were asked about support for smartphones and the type of applications their technologies were best suited to serve. Plus, they were queried on billing rates and killer roaming charges. Each explained under what circumstances his respective technology was the best choice for the user.