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White House warns of possible Russian cyberstrike on US critical infrastructure

posted onMarch 22, 2022
by l33tdawg
Credit: Arstechnica

The Biden administration on Monday warned that it believes Russian state hackers may step up a cyber offensive that targets US organizations, particularly organizations in the private sector providing critical infrastructure.

Administration officials stressed that they have yet to unearth any evidence of specific cyberattack plans. But in recent weeks, officials have said Kremlin-sponsored strikes on US-based computers and networks was a distinct possibility that security defenders should prepare for. As the US and its allies have ratcheted up sanctions on Russia and the US receives new intelligence assessments, the White House is once again urging vigilance.

“Today, we are reiterating those warnings, and we’re doing so based on evolving threat intelligence, that the Russian government is exploring options for potential cyber attacks on critical infrastructure in the United States,” Anne Neuberger, the White House’s deputy national security advisor for cyber and emerging technology, said during a daily press briefing on Monday.



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