WarDriving: Drive, Detect, Defend, A Guide to Wireless Security
As one of the "hip" IT topics, wireless networking is getting a lot of exposure from the book publishing companies. We've reviewed quite a lot of books dealing with security implications of wireless technology. Today I'm taking a look at a book that covers a topic that is often considered the most interesting aspect in this field - wardriving. Chris Hurley aka Roamer is a Principal Information Security Engineer working in Washington, DC area. He is the found of WorldWide WarDrive, an effort by infosec professionals and hobbyists to generate awareness of insecurities associated with wireless networks.
Frank Thorton aka Thorn runs his own technology consulting firm, Blackthorn Systems which specializes in wireless networks. Michael Puchol is the founder of Sonar Security, a small enterprise that has become the leading source of wireless knowledge in Spain. Marius Milner is a software engineer working for a startup in Silicon Valley. He is the author of award-winning Netstumbler. Russ Rogers is a CEO and CTO of Security Horizons Inc; a Colorado based professional security services and training provider. Besides being a contributor to this publication, he was also its technical editor.