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T-Mobile beefs up Android security with malware protection

posted onOctober 25, 2012
by l33tdawg

T-Mobile is aiming to fortify the Android smartphones and tablets it carries by offering users free protection against malware and viruses.

The company announced today that it is partnering with mobile security company Lookout to help T-Mobile customers protect their devices with a product called Automatic App Security. The software will come preloaded on certain devices this year, and then T-Mobile will roll it out to most Android devices in 2013.

"As we rely more on our mobile devices, for everything from business to social to banking, it is increasingly important that we protect them from threats," CEO of Lookout John Hering said in a statement. The way Automatic App Security works is it scans all apps that users download to make sure they're safe and malware-free. If the product detects any harmful apps, it will notify the user. Since the software will be preloaded and already turned on in smartphones and tablets, users don't need to register or set-up the feature.



T-Mobile Android Viruses & Malware

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