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Surface 2: More than a tablet

posted onNovember 1, 2013
by l33tdawg

The Surface RT, as it was then known, was Microsoft's first attempt to build a tablet computer.

On the upside, it was a well-built tablet with an attractive screen. It was also a bit more than a tablet—an integrated kickstand was handy for watching streaming video and the like. When paired with one of Microsoft's keyboard accessories, it became a good option for homework, e-mailing, light work, and more thanks to the bundled Office 2013 apps.

On the downside, the screen had a disappointingly low resolution of 1366×768, and the processor, an Nvidia Tegra 3, was easily overwhelmed with even simple tasks. Windows RT 8's touch interface worked well, but it was arguably incomplete since various tasks required the use of the desktop. Office 2013 took this to the next level, having virtually no touch interface at all. Sure, it was nice with one of the keyboard accessories, but those were expensive extras.



Microsoft Surface Hardware

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