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Steve Wozniak says he (or his wife) might be ‘patient zero’ for COVID-19 in US

posted onMarch 2, 2020
by l33tdawg
Cult of Mac
Credit: Cult of Mac

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak suggested in a tweet Monday that he or his wife might be “patient zero” for the COVID-19 virus currently spreading in the United States. Wozniak said he and Janet Hill came home from China early this year, as the novel coronavirus began to wreak havoc in Wuhan.

Wozniak made the claim via a Swarm check-in posted to Twitter, saying he and Hill were at the West Coast Sports Institute in Santa Clara, California, “checking out Janet’s bad cough. Started Jan. 4. We had just returned from China and may have both been patient zero in U.S.”



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