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S. Korea IT company probed for assisting North's cyberattacks

posted onAugust 2, 2013
by l33tdawg

South Korean prosecutors said it is investigating an information technology company over allegations it helped North Korean hackers attack the country's computer networks.

According to The Korea Times on Wednesday, the Seoul Supreme Prosecutors' Office said its officials and agents of the National Intelligence Service (NIS) on Tuesday raided the firm's office and the house of its president known as Kim. The firm's name was not revealed, though.

Kim, had stayed in China until the end of the 1990s, and established the joint IT venture between the South and North in the early 2000s. His company conducts activities which involve inter-Korean economic cooperation in the IT sectors. Kim is suspected to be helping North Korean hackers residing in China spread a malicious code to the South. Law enforcers also estimate about 110,000 computers had been infected with malicious programs with Kim's assistance.



Korea Industry News

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