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Psychiatrist who once said UFO hacker could commit suicide if extradited, changes his mind

posted onMarch 29, 2012
by l33tdawg

A psychiatrist who once said Gary McKinnon would likely commit suicide if deported to the US to face charges of hacking into Nasa and the Pentagon has now apparently changed his tune and is saying the 46-year old is fit for extradition. 

In a 2009 evaluation commissioned by the McKinnon family, Professor Declan Murphy had warned "If Mr McKinnon is deported to the US, he will require - in my opinion - continual observation on a one-one basis during that time period, and for the rest of his incarceration. If this does not happen, he is likely to make a serious attempt at suicide."

Last year however, the UK Home Office - which will ultimately decides whether to green-light McKinnon's extradition, also hired Professor Murphy to give his professional opinion. His assessment appears to have changed drastically, when he makes no recommendation for one-to-one, round-the-clock observation of Mr McKinnon and evey played down the possibility of suicide plans describing them as far-fetched and poorly thought out.  

I guess, as they say, 'he who pays the piper calls the tune' 



UK Law and Order Hackers NASA US

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