Phreak interviews - Avatar235
By: decimalz
First of all, thank you for agreeing to this interview. Extra
big thanks to Ezekial who help set it up. If you dont want to answer
please just reply with N/A. Just a quick questionnaire.
Where did the original idea of an amalgamation group stem
from? Were you inspired from (an)other groups?
No other groups really interested us at the time, we were just
friends or business associates. We didn't want to be a group, rather a
place. The Avatar235 was to be the flat bed for phreaks from all over to
identify with - Avatar235 - the faceless shadow of Phreaking. The evident group
also holds onto these values to the extreme.
What is the AVs current thoughts on the hack/phreak scene
in Australia?
The Phreak scene is honestly dead(sic). There is much to study which is
good, but very few willing to do so. And most of these are kids who think
just getting free-calls is 'kewl' (ironically 'kewl' requires more
effort than 'cool' plus it doesn't sound gay). As for hacking, the Halcon
crew are back (we don't contact them, but Av5 - Ezekial/Zeek does). It's good
to see a crew around that has actually been high profile and know more
than the average bear when it comes to CompSec.
As for modivation for phreaks, we had our business modivation,
personal security and guarding, military communications and one Radar Op.
Note, not all members have these backgrounds, some a multi skilled as other
have no professional background in this regard.
Do you have any idea why timon has taken out a
personl vendetta against the avatars? :P
Timon would have been the instigator, dragging Shane into the
fray by scaring him into it, Shane is one paranoid bugger - but it isn't
a rational paranoia. Thats the disturbing thing. As for why; it's simply the
'Tall-poppy' syndrome. They saw someone that was surpassing them
in the scene and got pissed. You have to remember that Circuit was also
pissed at us for cutting him up over the veterans debate quite some time
Is avatar235 just one section (cell) of a bigger group? If
so please explain
Oh we are only 5 people, but have what we call 'Avatarians' all
over the world (mostly silent, non-active H/P members) who help us with
various things like supllying Av5 with his soon to arrive Cell gear.
We don't want any more core members that we don't know from real
life or have not served with. No requests will be accepted. We have a number
of people we want . Funny enough before the trouble started, we were on the
verge of coming public and at the same time offering a very rare
invitation to Boris_G to join as the public figure member (which is now
Ezekial). Well, he just screwed himself up the arse then didn't he?
What fuels your groups existence?
Friendship. The original Av5 is still a friend, just has no privy
info on current events. We are a tight knit group who helps each other
greatly. We also stay around now to spite those who have a thing against us
and wish us to dissapear from the scene; some people are really insecure
about their own skill and cut the 'Tall-poppies'.
Are the 235s' working on any current projects? If so can
you give any hints? =P
I see EXACTLY where you are headed with this ***shakes head at
Ezekial for teasing***. We are working on a few projects. Some legal, some
not. Our main project is a blanket effort on Australia's Telco industry,
hopefully things will change for the better soon.
What do you think of the terrorist activities that are so
common in this day and age? Do you think Australia will be attacked on
its own soil?
If they do, the dirty fuckers have 5 armed and ready to fight
guys with money and technology. We have access to a private plane
(PizzaCatz knows of it, but never seen it) and are definately prepared
to fight back, ON THEIR SOIL.
It is a publicly known fact, that some of the Avs have had
military training. Do you think your time in the armed forces
shaped how the group functions today?
Yes, definately. We wouldn't be around if it weren't for the
Military, as that's how a number of us met. we don't really run on a rank
basis, we have our own things to do, but Av1 mainly proposes ideas and watches
over with ideas and advice. Av5 is the public face, handling all the Public
Relations stuff, like setting this interview up. Av2 and Av3 usually work
as a team on overseas trips (like Italy early last year and Singapore this
year). I on the other hand work alone with outside help from 'Avatarians'.
Will the avatars be releasing any new information in the
No personal infomation or anything along the lines of perminant
locations, when we are off-shore or traveling for work, Av5
usually tells people where we are if it's relevant to conversation. I belive
two pictures with black bars is sufficient, I wonder how many have taken our
advice and had printouts at meets in hope of seeing one of us. tsk tsk.
Thank you very much for your time and patience.
1.) An analysis of JB's Anti-GRC worm - Obscure
2.) Baselining with Microsoft Security Templates - WindowSecurity Staff
3.) A Guide To A New Generation Of Phreaking (Part 2) - decimalz
4.) Java and .NET security - Fernando de la Cuadra
5.) Phreak interviews Avatar235 - decimalz
6.) Securing the (Increasingly) Mobile Client - James L. Bindseil
7.) How Spyware And The Weapons Against It Are Evolving - Brien Posey