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Phished Credentials Used in Check Fraud

posted onApril 24, 2012
by l33tdawg

Researchers from the security firm Trusteer have come across a scam, advertised on underground forums, that represents a perfect combination between the classic check fraud and the malicious operations performed by cybercriminals.

Basically, the seller offers high-quality false bank checks on which any information can be printed. For a mere $5 (3.8 EUR) the fraudster that runs the operation can print any banking credentials the buyer wants.

If the buyer doesn’t possess the data, the seller has his own sets of stolen credentials, but the price increases in this case to $50 (38 EUR) per check. The fields printed on the phony checks include name, address, phone number, bank account, routing code and check number. To obtain this information, profit-driven hackers rely on pieces of malware and phishing scams which help them find out the victim’s online banking credentials.



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