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NSA partners with Apache to release open-source data traffic program

posted onNovember 25, 2014
by l33tdawg

Many of you probably think that the National Security Agency (NSA) and open-source software get along like a house on fire. That's to say, flaming destruction. You would be wrong.

In partnership with the Apache Software Foundation, the NSA announced on Tuesday it is releasing the source code for Niagarafiles (Nifi). The spy agency said Nifi "automates data flows among multiple computer networks, even when data formats and protocols differ."

Details on how Nifi does this are scant at this point, while the ASF continues to set up the site where Nifi's code will reside. In a statement, Nifi's lead developer Joseph L. Witt said the software "provides a way to prioritize data flows more effectively and get rid of artificial delays in identifying and transmitting critical information."



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