The New Threat to Enterprise Security - Wi-Fi
With the rapid adoption of Wi-Fi networks by enterprise IT departments everywhere, network security now involves an entirely new dimension of vulnerability to malicious hackers and casual intruders. Applications and data have literally taken to the airwaves, thanks to the compelling productivity and efficiencies gained by mobility tools such as notebook PCs, handhelds and Blackberries. Companies integrating Wi-Fi are also reaping lower IT infrastructure overhead from fewer cables, faster deployment/redeployment and reduced failure rates associated with hard-wired networks.
The downside is that making corporate data accessible through Wi-Fi networks means intruders and other unwanted visitors can easily access such networks if proper precautions and tools aren't used to protect them. Conventional network firewalls, VPNs and 802.11 security standards do not prevent everyday Wi-Fi threats such as rogue access points, unauthorized client connections and ad hoc networks or more malicious hacking threats like honey pot APs, MAC spoofing and denial of service (DoS) attacks.